Karisto Oy Boksampo
Wikipedia foundation. Local Supercluster; Das Jugulum ist eine kleine Vertiefung im vorderen Halsbereich, die am kranialen Rand des Brustbeins (Sternum), zwischen den beiden medialen Enden der Schlüsselbeine liegt. 2 Hintergrund Das Jugulum sterni wird als topographische Landmarke für die kaudale Begrenzung des Halses verwendet. [jug′yo͞o lər, jug′yələr; jo͞og′yo͞o lər, jo͞og′yə lər; ] often [ jug′lər] adj. [LL jugularis < L jugulum, collarbone, neck, throat, dim. of jugum, a YOKE] 1.
Die knöcherne Grundlage des Kinns wird durch die Protuberantia mentalis des Unterkiefers gebildet.Über dem Knochen liegt ein Polster aus subkutanem Fettgewebe.Sie sensible Versorgung des Kinns erfolgt über TEMAS A TRATAR:Definición y Clasificación de la AnatomíaPosición Anatómica de ReferenciaTérmino de Posición y DirecciónTérminos de MovimientoCavidades Corpor The Jugulum is a low part of the throat, located slightly above the breast. The term Jugulum is reflected both by the internal and external jugular veins , which pass through the Jugulum . References [ edit ] The principal vein in the front of either side of the neck. The word comes from the Latin jugulum meaning throat. The jugular is "the vein of the throat" or in ancient times "the sacrificial vein." * * * The principal vein in the front of either side of the neck. The word comes from the Latin jugulum meaning throat. The jugular is "the vein of the throat" or in ancient times "the sacrificial vein." * * * 1.
Definities die `jugulum` bevatten: Saropogon jugulum = Saropogon jugulum is een vliegensoort uit de familie van de roofvliegen (Asilidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1847 door Loew.
Karisto Oy Boksampo
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Karisto Oy Boksampo
Słownik terminów anatomicznych Anatomy of Movies. Great, authoritative audio by the author himself, and superb content - really lets you understand what makes a movie tick. Read More Hide In two children the neck mass appeared in jugulum, above the sternum. In one child, the clinical finding pointed to an apical lung herniation (crepitation in the n gula In ornithology, the upper part of the throat of a bird, between the mentum and the jugulum. "The Anatomy of Melancholy" by Democritus Junior. septik ve aseptik şartların olmaması, viseral anatomi hakkındaki bilgilerin yetersizliği başı ile solda ön aksiler çizgi, üstte jugulum altta epi- gastriumdan geçen Start studying Anatomi och Fysiologi latinska begrepp ( kroppens delar ) del 1.
2. The jugum of the wing … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology.
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Anatomia: Normal vücut yapısını inceleyen bilim dalı, anatomi. Anatomica: Anatomicum: Anatomi'ye ait, anatomi ile ilgili. Jugulum: Boyun, köprüçük kemiği. 16 May 2020 Throat.
maw. The mouth, stomach, jaws, or gullet of a voracious animal, especially a carnivore. jugulum.
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Karisto Oy Boksampo
Wikipedia foundation. Local Supercluster; Das Jugulum ist eine kleine Vertiefung im vorderen Halsbereich, die am kranialen Rand des Brustbeins (Sternum), zwischen den beiden medialen Enden der Schlüsselbeine liegt.
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jugulum, collar bone, throat] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. The median ventral plate of the head; see gula. 2. The jugum of the wing … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology.